

樋口 まり講師












Hi. My name is Mari. I am an instructor at the mindfulness center.
We have had a staff meeting today and we said we could write a personal column as well. So I’m going to be the first one.
My topic is the thing I talked about in class this morning.
The principal idea of mindfulness is not to change nor cure nor making anything better.
Rather than that, it’s a way to just watch yourself or how the things are right now without any judgement.
When I just started mindfulness, I was spending so much energy searching how to improve my health, how to improve myself as a person etc.
Part of me was questioning, when will I feel satisfied? What is perfect?
But I kept on searching and trying to change.
And yes, I still get those thoughts even now. It’s normal to feel frustrated when you are not feeling well and want to do something about it.
But I accept how I am and how things are, much better than before.
It’s not that changing or fixing things is wrong.
It’s just noticing and watching the sensation that you are not feeling well without any judgement. It’s just noticing and feeling the sadness without thinking that it’s a negative thought and letting it be. It’s just noticing that the anger is there and can be there.
Just by noticing fully and watching the feeling, sometimes, somehow the feeling eases down or is healed.
It might be similar to when we are worried about something and we talk to people.
Haven’t you ever experienced that when another person just listens without any judgment and says “I see, you are sad” or “yes, you are tired, aren’t you?” you feel better somehow?
I think we do the same thing through mindfulness.